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Virtual Work Experience: how to get ahead of the game

Work experience can be invaluable for helping you make decisions around your career aspirations and demonstrating to future employers that you’re serious about your application.

However, in a world which is increasingly moving to remote working, what does this mean for work experience opportunities?

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Here we take you through the value of work experience placements – and the benefits of doing it online!

1. Get a feel for the job

The whole point of work experience is to get a feel for the job in action. Sometimes we have ideas about what certain roles and industries are like, but the reality can be quite different! Work experience will also help you make decisions around what sort of role you’re most suited to. Do you like an ‘office-based’ job? Or would you prefer to be out and about doing something more practical? In a world where more and more traditional office roles are moving online, virtual work experience will help you get to grips with remote working, which is a great transferable skill for the future.

2. Uncover your skill set

Work experience gives us exposure to different environments and situations that we don’t get to experience in the classroom and lecture halls. Are you good at thinking on your feet? What sort of role do you tend to play in a team situation? How do you prefer to be managed? These are all great insights which will help us when making decisions about our future.

3. Develop confidence and independence

Entering the workplace is a new experience – and can be quite intimidating. You may be required to make more decisions on your own and put your initiative to the test. You might be asked to speak up in meetings or even present to the team – these are all great experiences which will stand you in great stead for the future – and will help you to develop a greater sense of confidence.

4. Help your applications stand out

Work-experience and being able to reflect on what you’ve learnt from it will add great value to any application – whether that’s for school, university or a job or placement. It shows that you’re a motivated, self-starter and dedicated to achieving your goals – it will help you stand out from the crowd.

5. World is your oyster!

The great thing about work-experience placements being online is that it gives you so many more options in terms of who you can work with. Without having to consider travel and accommodation, you can get experience from companies anywhere in the world. With remote working set to stay, this will set you up for the future world of work which is certainly set to become more global.

If you would like help with building your profile, please contact us via email: Click here to read our article


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