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Winter Learning with Carfax Tutors Monaco

The winter break offers families a perfect opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate from their bustling school schedules. While some may choose to travel, others will explore activities to keep children actively involved in learning.

January marks a busy period with mock exams, assignment deadlines, and approaching 2024 university enrollment applications. The winter break provides students with a chance to proactively advance in their studies, ensuring a well-prepared start to term 2 - Carfax Tutors Monaco are here to help bridge the learning gap this Winter. Winter Learning Programme with Carfax Tutors

11-29 December 2023

From the 11th - 29th December, Carfax Tutors will be running a range of learning activities that caters to learners of all ages and proficiency levels, aimed to bridge educational gaps and provide comprehensive support during the winter break. Available online or in-person at our Tuition Centre in Monaco: - Study skills sessions - Winter revision - Creative learning - English language sessions For more information, please email


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